
To our school of personal development and expension of being. A space for everyone.



To our school of personal development and expension of being. A space for everyone.


"To heal oneself is to heal the world"

Cristóbal Jodorowsky


"To heal oneself is to heal the world"

Cristóbal Jodorowsky

What is Metamundo?

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MetaMundo is a process totally guided by Cristóbal Jodorowsky that focuses ontraining people capable of generating transformation processes within themselves and in the different spheres of their lives, applying a profoundly artistic and transpersonal thinking to the aspect of healing and of personal growth.

Metamundo es un recorrido de dos años que nació en el 2011. La escuela ha hecho formaciones en Colombia, México, España, Uruguay y de manera ininterrumpida en Italia. En este proceso Cristóbal Jodorowsky pone a disposición de los integrantes múltiples llaves desarrolladas a lo largo de su recorrido y su experiencia de más de veinticinco años en la unión de grupos de trabajo, en los que combina la parte didáctica teórica, a la práctica y experiencial, tocando cada aspecto psíquico del ser humano: corporal, instintivo-creativo, intelectual y emocional con el propósito de alinearlos coherentemente, restaurando la unión con los campos y dimensiones trascendentes de nuestra psique.

The wealth of the heterogeneous group formed by people who make the decision to be co-creators and sustain themselves, help to observe themselves compassionately with a constant confrontation and support in the process of growth and openness, have contributed to the remarkable success of MetaMundo in all the countries where it is present. The importance of the connection with the group allows creating a field: a collective spirit that inspires, gives strength and courage to cross the tests of the heroic evolutionary path. Furthermore, working with beings who humbly and soulfully go through what corresponds to awaken and unveil the most sublime, noble and authentically divine of their Being, inspires Faith in humanity

What does Cristobal Jodorowsky say?

"My intent is to live a positive, constructive and committed life with deep self-knowledge, compassionate self-observation, self-transformation and beauty, a transpersonal life, less armored, without masks, judgments, manipulations or justifications, a more authentic life,listening to the soul, in which you humbly learn to love, live, be,to enjoy and create widely assuming decisions and consequences.the one that channels the potentialities and infinite dimensions of being interior, a satisfied life, settled and flowing in the divine condition /Mysterious, which also contributes to awakening, healing, fullness andHarmonization of the world.

To achieve this purpose, it is necessary first:time, effort and will, a choice of life.

I think, to begin with to transform the world, it is fundamental first, to begin to transform one same. My purpose with MetaMundo is to make available to the people a space and the knowledge of two generations of my family,our research, my personal discoveries and experiences,for the formation of individuals who are committed and able to be in contact with their deep needs, sensations, to assume the self-management of their personal development, integrating the different aspects of its existence,even the most painful and somber, individuals also capable of being Widely in the "here and now" with your body, soul, heart and spirit and,to identify the prisons of one's ego so as not to be suffocated, nor invade the world with him, counting on the resources necessary to free your infinite potentials and change your fantasies by experiences and realities, unconditionally accepting themselves in the process, to the others and life with all its aspects, I also consider vital importance to train beings with philosophy, structure, ethics and maturity that can inspire, share and transmit their transpersonal process to theOthers, I invite you, psycho-spiritual explorers to get on this ship,look with other eyes and channel your inner and own alchemy transformation."

Cristobal Jodorowsky

Who is this process for?

This process and training is aimed at people who have decided embark on the creative path of the heart, of the conscience, theAuthenticity and deep mutation of themselves, willing to take on responsibility for your own healing and personal development through the resolution of conflicts and self-realization within a process of rigorous transformation, integrating tools such as Psychomagia, Psychochamanism, the Initiatic Massage, the Therapeutic Theater, the Metagenealogy and the evolutionary Tarot and its methodology, PsychologyQuantum, Meditation practices, Rituals ... and much more.People prepared to take risks, confront and commit to a purpose that surpasses the person: the trans-personality." This course It gives the possibility to the student (student) to integrate visions, keys,maps and a structure that will surely serve you during the whole course of their life.

The Guide

The Tarot will be our guide, the structure that will allow us to order ourworld and psycho-spiritual journey, it is the vehicle, the archetypal map thatwill show us how to channel our psychological integration: one of thefundamental purposes to realize our inner alchemical gold.Tarot cards are an instrument that gives us an address, since they arestructured as a true teacher, for this reason, the student hasto be willing to integrate them as such into their lives.Tarot is a vehicle that represents the psychological integration of beingshuman, to integrate the Tarot means to internalize a map that will show usthe path to this integration." For Carl Gustav Jung, the archetypes are Innate energies common to all human beings, which are transmitted toThrough myth or manifest in dreams, stories, legends, rituals andworks of art: in the Tarot, the archetypes can act as guardians ofour behavior when the individual needs to solve a difficultyexistential, the 78 Arcane Tarot are archetypes with infiniteinterpretations, where each one has a multitude of aspects." Without a doubt, the design of the card is just a mask, it becomes a key that,If you know how to interpret and integrate, you will activate the allied dimension ofArchetype, for this reason, Christopher Jodorowsky, uses the Tarot Arcanaas doors to contact the universal energy in it." These doors, when activated, allow a profound change in our psyche, sothat our soul can express itself in total freedom, the Tarot allows usinterpret the human psyche and the different dimensions of ourIn fact, thanks to its symbolic nature, we can seereflected in our Arcana our deepest reality, a situationthat will help us focus reality from another point of view and integrateour difficulties in life, in pain and in sorrows with greaterease.

What can be understood by "Healthy Self" and "Fullness"?

A healthy being (among many aspects) is one that no longer lives prisonerfrom the past or influenced by fear of the future, but lives in thepresent (in the" here and now "), who neither lives as a victim nor asA tyrant, try not to self-destruct, destroy or be destroyed by theothers, who have worked their inner union and are capable of satisfying themselves and cause your own happiness, inner success and your freedom, an integrated beingpsycho-spiritually who does not live conditioned by dogmas or jailsfamily or cultural, the three most integrated brains and the twohemispheres (right and left) too, with the necessary toolsto self-process, to cross the crisis of life, generating fullnessinterior, a being that knows how to love, enjoy, create, live and be, and is a beingHe has learned how to establish his personal limits, which he has transformedyour basic conflicts in vital energy and has reintegrated with the world withoutto be invaded by him, a person capable of accepting also what is notPossible that you can change, that you accept yourself as a personauthentic, who knows how to love and be communicative, who has done meditationhis usual way of living.

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