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Accumulation, preparation, study, virginity, writing a book, accounting, waiting, constancy, retirement, cold woman, forgiveness, actress learning her role, nun, stern mother, obstinacy, weight of religion, isolation, frigidity, person of great moral quality, strict education, gestation, need for warmth, ideal of purity, loneliness, silence, meditation, feminine wisdom, female charismatic figure, the Virgin Mary, reading sacred texts.
Passion - Attachment - Dependence - Possessive character - Adoration - Great creativity - The forbidden - Temptation - Bestiality - Drugs - Promising contract there to study carefully - Entry of money - Hidden powers of the unconscious human (negative or positive) - Fermentation - Prostitution - Cruelty - Work of the depths - Psychiatry - Dark side of being - Sexuality - Lucifer, Fallen Angel Light Bearer - Pride - Possession - Obsession - Black Magic - Refusing to grow old - Great sexual vigor - Fantasies - Hidden treasure - Energy hidden in the psyche - Overcoming - Temptation.
Intuition - night - dream - daydreams - superstition - poetry - divnation imagination - deep unconscious - sensuality - hidden truth (to be discvered) madness - loneliness - night terror - pregnancy - unlimited demand - energy vampire - child looking for a maternal love - uniting love - depression - secret - crosing th sea - ocean - receptivity - dark life of matter - ideal to be ahieved femininity - maternal cosmic archetype.
Teacher, teacher, married man, spiritual man, wedding, union, priest, guru, sincere or false, tartufo, religious dogma, Union between heaven and earth, show the way, link, domain of oneself breadth of emergency of a new ideal, all means of communication, intermediary, desire to communicate new communication, revelation of secrets, the father in front of his children, spiritual guide, blessing, questioning of faith and dogma.
Call - irresistible desire - awakening of sexuality - awareness - announcement - good news - vocation - triumph - renown - project of the future - giving life - birth of a child - healing - music - opening - hatching - work of a couple - cell father / mother / child - love dependent on parents - conditions of the consultant's birth - refusing to act as an adult - emergence of what is hidden - grace - awakening of coscience - sublimated devil - impulse towards light.
Social life - Happiness Like what you do - Do what you want like - New union - choice to be made - Pleasure Beauty - Friendship - Love triangle - Fall in love - Emotional conflict separation - Dispute - incestuous terrain - Brothers - Ideal and reality - Pirmeros steps in the joy of living - Conscious love - The Way of Beauty
Man of power, ability to pacify, to reign, to protect, stability, economic balance, money, administration, business success, financial ally, authority, exercise of the law, peace, husband, honest man, security, rectitude, rational spirit, power, stable home, house, powerful or dominant father, protector, issues related to sexual potency, masculinity, patriarchy, tyranny, dictator, abuse of power, rooted in the matter, respect for the laws of universe, balance of energies, God the Father
Stop - Wait - Immobility - The time has not yet come to act - Hide something - Self-punishment - Fetus in gestation - Secret - Investment of the perspectives - See from another point of view - Do not choose - Rest - Illness - Pregnancy - Conditions of the gestation of the consultant - Link to the family tree - Prayer - Sacrifice - Gift of oneself - Deep Meditation - Do not do - Inner forces received through the prayer.
Balance, stability, coping, fullness, feminine perfection, welcome, pregnant woman, motherhood, inflexibility, implacability, judge, clarity, prohibit, authorize, give (you know) what you deserve, clear thinking, Processing, The Law, desire for perfection, perfectionism, critical spirit, normative or castrating mother, trap, accuracy, cosmic laws, perfection, harmony, present moment.
Renown - traveling through the world - realization of potentials - success - perfect agreement - meeting - Ideal woman - fullness - difficult start - belly of a pregnant woman - sex feminine - orgasm - supreme realization - happy ending - birth - birth - how was I born? - confinement - feeling of failure - egocentricity - realization of the spiritual androgyne - Cosmic egg - realization of the four centers. Finite perfection - Universe reached its limit - maximum expansion.
Beautiful woman, fertility, loves, warm mother, seductive, creativity, adolescence, fecundity, charm, coquettishness, business woman, prostitute, lover, artist, production, beauty, abundance, creative action not reasoned, that does not know where goes, boiling, the vital drive as a growth engine.
Creative power - Courage - Nobility of heart - New game - Start of an activity - Contribution of new energy - Instinctive energy - Animality - Strength - Anger - Heroism - Courage - Self-discipline - Relationship between the mind and instinct - Opening or repression - Call of sexuality - Inhibition sexual - Repression. Difficulty of expression - Opening - Orgasm - Tantra.
Great journey, long march, madness, wandering, instability, imagination overflowing, joy of living, liberation, pilgrimage, no fixed address, sacred beggar, jester
Reciprocal love - fraternity - mutual help - happy union - new life - association - success, abundant harvest - happiness - light - summer - irradiation - intelligence - brio - wealth - drought due to excess heat - Children or childhood - gemellity - rivalry - Paternal cosmic archetype - Ideal father - Absent father - cut with the past for build farther - construction - solidarity ..
Victoria, action on the world, business carried out, trip, dynamism, lover, warrior, messenger, conqueror, prince, dwarf, looter, intense action, media success, television screen, movie or of computer, synthesis, take into account the pros and cons, harmony animus / anima, conduct your energies, spirit in matter, consciousness immortal
End of a cycle, beginning of a cycle, need for new foreign aid, change of fortune, circumstances beyond the will of the consultant, occasion that we must not let go, hornonal cycle, emotional enigma to solve, blockade, stop, dead end, wheel of karma, successive reincarnations, Laws of the nature, providence, complete cycle, completion, filming of a movie, profit of money.
Success - Luck - Truth - Generosity - Altruistic action - Face two actions or two relationships - find your site - vedette - fecund woman - breastfeed - pregnant woman - wound in the knee - ideal lover - gift or waste, according to the address towards which The Star empties his jugs - nostalgia (if you look to the past) - purification of the world - ecology - source - irrigation - reception of cosmic energy - sacralization of a place - harmony with the forces of nature - paradise - aquarium - shaman - beautiful witch.
Positive crisis, guide, loneliness, older man, old age, prudence, retirement, therapist, male teacher, pilgrimage, chastity, alcoholism, winter, doubt and overcoming, illuminating the past, going to the future without knowing where going, going backwards, therapy, father absent or cold, grandfather, humility, Saturn, clear vision of the world, wisdom, selfless love, self-denial, altruism, secret master.
Healing - Health - Protection - Dynamic balance - Changes - Reconciliation - Circulation of fluids (blood, water ...) - Flow of sources - Passing a border - Travel - Premonitory dreams - Harmony - Balanced and peaceful mood - Mixing - Ponder - Attenuate the passions - Balance of vital forces - Angelism (The angel does not have sex) - Excessive tendency to moderation - Greed - Communication with himself - Messenger of grace - Spiritual healing - Call to a fact (funeral sculpture) - Transmigration of The souls, reincarnation - Feathered serpent.
Deep transformation - revolution - cutting - Eliminating what prevents us advance - End of an illusion - Healthy break - Revolutionary - Anger - Aggression - Harvest - Labor of relative breakdown of a person or a situation - Hate - Violence - Cleaning - Radical purification - Essence of the change - Work of the unconscious - The destroying face of the deity. The death as a mask of God - Transmutation - Eradication of the old to make room for the new - Work related to the human skeleton - Essential movement - X rays. Psychoanalysis, person who accompanies the change.
Healing - Health - Protection - Dynamic balance - Changes - Reconciliation - Circulation of the fluids (blood, water ...) - Flow of the energies - Crossing a border - Travel - Premonitory dreams - Harmony - Balanced and peaceful mood - Mix - Ponder - Diminish the passions - Balance of vital forces - Angelism (the angel does not have sex) - Excessive tendency to moderation - Greed - Communication with same - Messenger of grace - Spiritual healing - Evokes a deceased (funeral sculpture) - Transmigration of souls, reincarnation - Feathered Serpent.
Start, conjuror, swindler, player, there is something hidden under the table, new company, new studies, professional renewal, beginning of a relationship, masculine boy or girl, beginner, cunning, skill, art of convincing, multiple talents, available everything necessary to act, need for help, guidance, "Wanting, daring, power, silence", choice to be made, hesitation, multiplicity of potentials, Animus of the consultant, man or woman, beginning of the search for wisdom, initiate, magician, spiritualization of matter.
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